AMC Guide to Winter Hiking and Camping: Everything You Need to Plan Your Next Cold-Weather Adventure
Many people think of hiking and camping as warm-weather activities, but every adventurer should experience the outdoors in winter. The sparkle of new-fallen snow on a tree’s boughs, the spectacular panorama of white mountaintops, and the invigorating chill of the morning air are just some of the rewards of hiking and camping in the winter months. This comprehensive guide by Lucas St. Clair and Yemaya Maurer will help you plan a great trip with plenty of practical advice that emphasizes preparation, safety, outdoor stewardship, and fun. You’ll learn when to go, what latest gear and clothing to bring, and the essentials of staying warm and dry. Also included are sections on navigation and what to eat while hiking in winter weather. Special consideration is given to the rapidly changing weather conditions in the Eastern US.
Whether you’re planning a group camping trip, or a family that wants to experience a new season in the outdoors, AMC Guide to Winter Hiking and Camping will become your trusted source for all your winter camping and hiking adventures.
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Amc Winter Hiking And Camping
- Amc